Horse Nutrition
Seasonal Webinars
2024/25 Series
Watch our exclusive series of 8 recorded webinars dedicated to horse nutrition.
These webinars will provide you with educational, inspiring and entertaining insights into how correct nutrition can transform your horse's health, happiness, performance and well-being.
Watch the recordings to gain valuable insights from your friendly
Independent Equine Nutritionist
Clare MacLeod.
Watch, listen and learn from the comfort of your own sofa,
as Clare translates the science into practical nutrition solutions.
Note !! these are prerecorded webinars and are not live.
Whether you're a horse owner, rider, groom, manager or practitioner, these webinars are for you if you want to:
From the Spring 2025 Series:
Feeding Older Horses & Ponies
Tuesday 14th January at 7pm (19:00)
Join us to investigate how to keep your senior horse or pony thriving as they grow older.
Learn the essentials of feeding older equines to maintain their condition and their health, vitality and quality of life. Take this chance to give your cherished companion the care they deserve in their golden years.
Feeds & Supplements Uncovered
Tuesday 4th February at 7pm (19:00)
Confused about feed and supplements?
Clare will demystify the choices and help you understand what your horse truly needs.
We will delve into what’s in your feed, and you’ll get the truth about ingredients. Are fillers and junk really used? Are additives necessary? Is natural better? Learn how to spot nutribaloney, how to avoid unnecessary extras and ensure your horse gets the right nutrition for optimal health, well-being and performance
A Healthy Gut for a Happy Horse
Tuesday 18th February at 7pm (19:00)
Unlock the secrets to healthier happier horse.
Clare will show you how to optimise your horse’s gut health through nutrition, helping to prevent common digestive issues, improve performance and boost overall well-being.
Don't miss this essential guide to feeding for optimal gut function, to support your horse’s health and happiness from the inside out.
Spring Feeding Essentials
Tuesday 11th March at 7pm (19:00)
Spring brings changes in your horse’s diet - are you prepared?
Learn how to manage grazing, balance nutrients, transition the diet for more turnout, and/or more exercise, reduce fizz and prevent seasonal health risks like laminitis.
Join us for practical tips and a clear plan to keep your horse thriving and give you peace of mind that their diet is under control this spring.
From the Winter 2024 Series:
Winter Feeding Essentials
Tuesday 29th October at 7pm (19:00)
Boost your winter survival with the nutrition knowledge you need to get your horse or pony flourishing throughout this challenging season. Clare will cover your main winter challenges including:
Which Feed & Supplement and Why?
Tuesday 12th November at 7pm (19:00)
Find out what Clare feeds her own horses, and find out what she recommends most to all the horse owners she works with.
Get the truth about feed and supplement products.
Steeped with nutribaloney and some surprising truths certain companies don't want you to know!
Horse Nutrition Masterclass
Tuesday 26th November at 7pm (19:00)
Unlock the power of an optimal diet for our horse, with Clare's 6 step framework for a perfectly balanced diet.
Simplify horse nutrition and allow Clare to navigate the minefield of nutrition for you.
Get peace of mind about what you're feeding, so you can put your energy into enjoying your horse rather than worrying about what to feed.
Optimising Nutrition for the Metabolically Challenged
Tuesday 10th December at 7pm (19:00)
Clare will help you clear a path through the confusing maze of opinions about how to feed and manage horses and ponies who are metabolically challenged with insulin dysregulation (ID), EMS, laminitis, HAL & related conditions.
Master the art of feeding your individual horse or pony with practical advice about how to apply the science.
What you Get
Webinar (recorded) delivered by Independent Registered Equine Nutritionist Clare MacLeod MSc RNutr
Evidence-based nutrition and feeding
Practical nutrition solutions and product advice
Educational, inspiring and entertaining insights into how correct nutrition can transform your horse's health, happiness, performance and well-being
Empowerment and confidence on how to feed your horse for optimal health, happiness well-being and performance
Special Offer
Get all 8 webinars for the price of 6 (get 2 free!)
Get all 8 Webinar Replays for £78 here:
Clare MacLeod
Your Specialist Speaker
Frequently Asked Questions
A webinar is a talk (or a seminar) delivered online (over the web) and we used Zoom to deliver these webinars to you. In this exclusive series of webinar replays, you gain valuable insights from Clare MacLeod MSc RNutr, a highly experienced and renowned equine nutrition specialist. Enjoy a glass of wine (or a cup of tea!) whilst you upgrade your horse nutrition knowledge and understanding.
The webinars last around 1 hour and the Q&A session at the end around another hour.
The webinar links will remain live up until the end of 2025.